Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reusable Water Bottles

Considering the somewhat recent scare over BPA (bisphenol A) and reusable water bottles, I thought I’d share some research I conducted during my time at CHEJ on where to find alternative, BPA-free and other toxic free, water bottles.

Firstly, I need to emphasize the importance of using a reusable bottle rather than a disposable plastic bottle. So here’s a trivia question: how long does it take your plastic soda bottle to decompose when thrown in a landfill?

The only answer most sources agree on is: a very, very long time. Some estimate a few hundred years, some estimate 1,000 years, some estimate even longer.

So, you recycle? Well recycling isn’t totally 100% efficient, and what if you recycle but that recycling bin actually is just emptied into the trash? I’m sure it’s been done before… You might have more piece of mind that you recycled the bottle, but regardless, it’s now going to be sitting in the landfill for longer than your lifetime.

In addition to the environmental aspect of the water bottles, what about the problems with plastic? Plastics are scary, man. It seems that every few years some scientist publishes news that another type of plastic we use every day is actually toxic. What if tomorrow they say the coke bottle plastic is toxic?

How about just getting a stylish, reusable bottle you can carry with you and refill at any tap, soda fountain, or water fountain? Here are some good options:

California Innovations bottle with insulated wrap (also PVC-free), $7,

Greenfeet stainless steel bottle, $11,

iPlay Baby Wear aqua bottles, $16,

Kleen Kanteen stainless steel bottles, $15-$26,

Nalgene steel or plastic bottles (new bottles only), $7-$26,

Sigg aluminum bottles, $18-$29,

TIP: If it does not say “BPA-free” anywhere, don’t buy it!

These examples of BPA free bottles are just some of the most common, but this list is not comprehensive! There are probably many types on the shelf at the store- just go look and find the “BPA-free” label, and you’re good to go! If you get a reusable bottle, congratulations, and know that this small deed is making a difference!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yoga Mats: Toxics Among a Wholistic Practice

Many people (myself included) who are concerned with toxic-free products and living natural lifestyles really enjoy yoga. There’s just something about yoga – it strengthens both mind and body, and it leaves a sense of peace and wholistic balance after a practice.

So here’s an irony: most yoga mats are toxic.

If you've read some of my previous posts, you should've learned that PVC plastic (plastic #3) is toxic. It releases phthlates, which are endocrine disruptors linked to a number of health problems. Many yoga mats are made from PVC.

Yoga is supposed to be a cleansing, natural way to strengthen the body and connect with the mind. It is an all over wholistic ritual. But how can yoga be truly beneficial when you're practicing on a toxic mat? Every down dog or child's pose that puts your nose right to the mat may be forcing you to breathe in unhealthy chemicals! Chances are that your yoga mat (if you have one) is made of PVC. I realized mine was - so I did some research to find brands that are made without PVC, and I thought I should share the results of my research.

In the end, I settled on a Nike yoga mat. I had to give up my “extra thick” and extra comfy mat for the phthalate-free assurance, but it’s more than a fair trade.

In general, don’t trust that something is PVC free unless it explicitly says so. Not everything that actually is PVC free will disclose itself, but use it as a loose guideline.

Here are some links to some PVC free yoga mats:

There are many options out there of PVC-free yoga mats; you just have to find them! The list above is nowhere near a comprehensive list; these are just the first few I found in a quick internet search. That said- I’m not endorsing any of the specific products, just the PVC-free ones!

We can't just throw away our old yoga mats though, despite wanting to get as far away from the phthlates as possible. PVC is toxic to not just your health, but the environment too! My recommendation is to recycle your PVC yoga mat; many groups and yoga centers collect old mats to be used in community service sessions, and I even considered passing mine off to a homeless person to have a more comfy place to sleep.

I know.. it's bad to be giving toxic mats to these people- but in the case of the homeless, they might not care about the phthlate issue because of larger, more pertinent concerns. In their case it becomes a cost-benefit where accepting the yoga mat might help them more than harm.

Of course, it's up to you about what you do with your yoga mat and if you even care enough to purchase a new toxic free one. But, I hope you will put all of these factors into consideration and decide what is best for you!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Composting or Garbage Disposal?

The topic for this blog post arose out of a dinner table conversation I had with my family a few nights ago. I mentioned that I hope to one day (when I have a house and yard) have my own compost system.

As my family began to ask questions about it, I really didn’t have too much knowledge to share and the most pressing question that haunted me that I didn’t have the answer to was: “Does it make much of a difference if I put it (any organic matter) in the garbage disposal versus a compost pile?” And for that matter – versus putting it in the garbage can?

My initial answer was that compost is better simply based on the fact that when you put waste down the garbage disposal, it creates more work for the water treatment plants. I had just taken a course where we did a case study on polluted water and learned about the amounts of water that must be cleaned and purified at treatment plants, so to me, the thought of adding anything to that amount seemed not optimal. And compared to putting organic matter in the garbage can, the matter would be eventually transferred to a landfill where it would sit in a plastic bag and be piled under mounds of plastic and garbage where it would break down without oxygen – creating methane gas. After that dinner conversation, I wanted to find concrete facts to either confirm or deny my initial response. So here is what I found:

Composting is by far the best option to dispose of food waste. It involves no extra energy to transport the waste (except perhaps the few steps to the compost bin) unlike garbage trucks that lug your trash all the way to the landfill or all the electricity used in transporting and treating dirty water. Composting also allows the food waste to be broken down aerobically (exposed to oxygen) so that the byproduct gas is carbon dioxide, which is less harmful than the byproduct of anaerobic breakdown: methane. In fact, an article by Science Daily states that “methane is 25 times more potent as a greenhouse gas.”

However, there are some times you just can’t compost. Something accidentally falls down the drain, your compost bin is full, or you won’t put meat and dairy in the compost because it is what creates the most noxious odors.

When the waste does go down the drain, it goes into the water supply and eventually ends up at your town’s wastewater treatment center. There, the center strains out particles of food and waste, and typically this stuff that is strained out of the water is then transported to the landfill. Some plants may have other ways of disposing of the waste, but typically it goes to a landfill. So, if you don’t compost and opt for either the trash can or the garbage disposal, the waste will end up in a landfill, where it will decompose under anaerobic conditions and release methane into the atmosphere.

If you take composting out of the equation and are trying to decide between garbage disposal versus trashcan- I can’t really tell you which one is best. Either way, the waste you produce will probably be decomposed anaerobically. However, some water treatment plants have their own landfill where they capture the methane that is produced, therefore preventing its release into the atmosphere. There are too many ambiguous facts about which method is better based on the amount of energy input required to adequately deal with the waste.

Composting, however, is the ultimate way to go: it is minimally energy intensive, creates less harmful greenhouse gasses, and provides you with a great, natural fertilizer to use in your garden. There are many websites that give you the how-to’s of composting, so starting your own compost pile should be easy and rewarding!

References: (great site for the how-to’s and FAQs of composting)